Obtain sunrise, SUNSET, moonrise, moonset, lunar phase, and the current local time for any place in the world. There's no need to look up latitudes and longitudes - just click the map. This reminder calendar calculates celestial events for any date or place and offers reminders for birthdays and appointments. The reminder calendar also offers a daily quotation and greeting. Each user can have their own personal calendar, or everyone can share a group calendar.
Look at these Features :
Reminders for birthdays, appointments, etc.
Daily celestial information
Choice of quotation topic; Science, humor, none, more
Calculates sunrise and sunset for any time or place
Calculates phase of the Moon for any date
Functions as world clock - calculate current local time anywhere
Calculates Moon rise and Moon set for any time or place
Cheerful greetings that vary by time of day and time of year
Create your own daily quote files
Calculates latitude and longitude for any map position you click
Highlights map position for coordinates you enter
Storage for frequently referenced Locations
Support for multiple users on a network or a shared computer
Simple Tabbed interface